Oh dear, i'm slipping again....two weeks together! We have been busy though, no slacking for the students...The Weaners settled in well to their nursery - too well actually; they love to 'truffle' and were in danger of digging their way out to freedom. So, we have moved them into their woodland home earlier than planned! They are very happy there, and growing at a great rate - maybe they will have to go off a bit earlier than the last two? We had to do an emergency 'barbed wire' addition to the bottom of the pig fencing running through the wood, but fingers crossed that will keep them happy for a while! We have been busy cutting back the hedge to finish off the pig netting up to the far end of the track, which will give us a second 'compartment' for them if we need it!
Rupert the horse dentist 'filing' Patch's teeth - he was very good for such a young pony! |
Grooming time! |
'Patch' has proved very popular with our school group that visit on Wednesday mornings. Their speech therapist accompanied them last week, and was very impressed when Niamh asked after 'Patch'! They have been helping to groom him each Wednesday, and he has been very patient. Unfortunately, after a visit from the tooth dentist, Patch needed to have a 'blind wolf tooth' taken out. (This is similar to our Wisdom Teeth). The tooth had not come through the gum, but he was 'leaning' onto it, and it seemed to be causing him concern. The vet came yesterday, and performed a minor op; cutting through the gum to remove the tooth. She reckoned someone had 'been there before' as there was only a sharp point of the tooth left - no wonder it was uncomfortable for him! We also had 'Padders' our chiropractor visit Patch this week - i like to get all points checked at this time of the year, and Patch has definitely covered all of them this week! His back was 'rotated' all along his left side (near side in horse terms) so no wonder my left hip has been hurting me all week....Today we have a 'wart specialist' coming to treat him - he has several 'zarcoids' (a type of wart) and they will be treated with a special cream to hopefully make them disappear.
Does anyone have a recipe for these....'Asparagus Peas'??! They look beautiful, but don't taste too good! |
We had all our sheep in yesterday to worm them all - we want the ewes to be at their best for when 'Dandy' the ram returns in November! Two of the ram lambs are nearly up to weight to go off to the butcher - so we will have lamb ready for sale in November too. This year's Ewe Lambs will be kept till next year before being put to the Tup - we will then have a new Ram (unrelated) to run with all the Ewes.
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