All the students have settled back into the routine at the farm again. The weather is very difficult to predict, so we ask them to bring lots of layers each week! Last Thursday we met up with the Cotswold Wardens again down on the bank. They have been clearing the stream at the bottom of the field - it was completely overgrown and blocked with the help of the students it's running much more freely and we have a watering hole again. We were blessed with gorgeous sunshine all morning, and armed with plenty of cakes for all the helpers, we had a great morning.
Alan showing Helen 'blowing up' Patch's nose a technique to calm them |
Yesterday, we loaded up Perry the boar first thing, and returned him to North Nibley. I think Sandy was sad to see him go, but is pleased she doesn't have to share her food with anyone now! She certainly looks as if she's 'in pig', so we will be watching her progress, and will move her back to the pig nursery in March.
We have started feeding the ewes hay now, as the grass is in short supply, and not enough goodness in it to nourish them and their offspring. They will come back to the farm at the end of February so we can start giving them hard feed.