We have been busy here getting our weaners ready to go off. We have been given some whey to feed as an extra boost, and the pigs love it! we will be sending off three of our biggest weaners the last week of November, ready for Christmas Hams and sausages. Do get in touch to book your pork.
happy pigs! |
The students have been tidying up all our raised beds in the poly tunnel and outside for the winter, whilst also planting more winter salads inside, to sell to the pub. We have some lovely red celery still growing outside, but other than that the poly tunnel is the best place to be from now on. They have also been making newspaper pots to plant the sweet peas in; they will also over winter inside.
The Christmas Trees are looking great in our colourful red, green and white pots, and they will be 'dressed' next week, ready for the Fair.
We have the two horses back now, so the students are very happy. They seem to especially like helping to put them out; doing their rugs, and bringing them in at the end of the afternoon, and brushing off some horrendous mud! It's a great opportunity for some therapeutic bonding, as Manny particularly likes being cuddled.
We have had some kind of sickness in the hen run - 4 hens have keeled over and died recently, so i took one poorly one along to the vets to see if they could shed any light on the mystery. Rob (vet) thinks it could be a bronchial problem, so we are putting anti biotics into their water, and also worming them for good measure. Fingers crossed we don't lose any more. Unfortunately 3 of them were Ella's new bantams.
'Baxter' joining his girls! |
Our flock of Wiltshires are doing really well - all the ewes are down on the bank with 'Baxter', and the rest of the ram lambs are up here at the Care Farm, having a bit of 'finishing food' to help them on their way. We supplied the local pub with their first lamb last month, and apparently they had really good 'feed back' from the customers, and so are having another one next week.
Don't forget to put 28 NOVEMBER in your diary for the Cotswold Christmas Fair at the Frogmill Hotel, as they are raising money for the Care Farm.