First of all, an update to last week - we had the 'mole catcher' here last Thursday...and he showed the all of us how he catches moles (they are rife here, and do so much damage to the limited field space you know one mole can dig up over 100 yards!) it is instantaneous - so over very quickly. Most of the students seemed more interested in his quad bike that he used to get round the farm!
our increased 'flock' of wiltshire horns! |
This week, we have put up the feed to one lb per Ewe (4 x kilos) each day - as they are only 3 weeks off lambing - in fact some of our original four ewes are already 'bagging up', so we are keeping a close eye on them - especially 'June' who's having triplets.
two visitors to the garden! |
Today was the last day until our Summer session starts on 8 April, so everyone worked really hard, to make sure we have everything ready for lambing, and all the raised beds ready to sow once we start back. The students have been making frames to go over the raised beds to hold the bird/butterfly netting - i'm afraid our lovely bantams
love clambering all over the beds; turning the soil over for worms! It was Mark's birthday today, so he brought in some delicious cup cakes, made by his sister for break....and he helped groom 'Patch' this afternoon. I was very impressed how confident Mark is getting around the horses.
This afternoon, everyone helped get all our 'produce' ready to sell at the
Car Boot Sale THIS SUNDAY - let's hope the weather cheers up by then....! We have lots of eggs to sell, and bird feeders made by the students, and a tombola, and bricabrac, and of course Bacon Butties!
Saturday in the garden! |