We are located 4 miles north of Cirencester, between the villages of North Cerney, and Woodmancote. From A435 you take the turning towards Bagendon, go up past the Church to the T junction. Turn right towards Woodmancote and Scrubditch Farm is approximately 100 yards on the right. The Care Farm is situated down the drive, up the track on the left.
From A417, turn off at Perrotts Brook/Daglingworth, and proceed towards Perrotts Brook. Just before the A435, turn left towards Woodmancote. Go for approximately 1 1/2 miles and Scrubditch Farm is on the right, just past the Bagendon/North Cerney Cross Roads.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Weeks 7 and 8

We started back after the half term holiday with lots of ....rain!  With Open Farm Sunday looming at the end of the week, we spent most of the day tidying / cleaning up the Covered Yard.   We had to move the sheep's electric fence, as they had eaten their 'strip' down far enough - we all managed to get thoroughly soaked!
Wednesday, Christchurch School children were here with Danny.  Tomas and Miranda were very helpful pulling out our old wallflowers and replanting the line of tyres alongside our paths, with flowers we had grown in the poly tunnel.
In the afternoon we met up with our other students at Cotswold Farm; where they had 'Open Gardens'.  The students had a stall in aid of the Care Farm, selling plants, and raised over £30!  We had a very enjoyable afternoon looking round the amazing gardens.  The best bit for me, was the wild orchid meadow - really beautiful.

Our Open Farm Sunday afternoon was as great success.  We had about 10 children, with their families, and were 'lent' 3 orphan lambs, from a neighbouring farmer (thank you Jane!) to bottle feed.
feeding time at Open Farm Sunday!

I think along with feeding the pigs, it was definitely the highlight of the afternoon! (And great sunshine helped)  We have put our Quail out into the hen house we used for the bantams - they have their own run, and are just about getting used to going back into the house at night (i have to climb into the run on my hands and knees to 'shoo' them up there!!)

Monday we had to bring our flock of Wiltshire into the covered yard.  We have one lamb that is lame - can't find out why, and we wormed the lambs again.  Some of the lambs also seem to have swollen throats - soft tissue no lumps??  We may have to pay a visit to the vets again....(remember we took on of the Aylesburys last year!)
In the afternoon we had a visitor from Deer Park School, and two representatives from Mencap - and the weather was lovely.  We had teas outside, and Helen and William show people round. 

Wednesday, Niamh and Miranda were here with Danny - again extremely hot weather.  They helped fill the raised bed that Roly made with Mike and Alan; with stones, and took water up to the pigs (with delightful watering cans that we were given at the weekend!) 
In the afternoon we had visitors from Ruskin Mill, Jane Burr, Head Teacher at North Cerney School, and St Rose's Stroud.  The Art students from Owl Barn also came up, and Simon has actually done a trial 'Mural' on the side of the Porta Cabin - it looks great!  We were very pleased to welcome two representatives for The Barnwood Trust, who are going to help raise our profile.,

Thursday, Roly & Mike made yet another bed for flowers this time and Gerry spent all morning weeding the Fruit Cage!! In the afternoon we had the Chairman of Cirencester Rotary Club here with his wife, as we have been chosen as their main Charity for their coming year!  We also had Annabel here from Dobbies - she arrived with gloves & tools for the children, and other supplies for the poly tunnel - so a big thank you to her, and Julie Mantell, Head Teacher from Paternoster School.  Unfortunately, the weather yesterday afternoon was really filthy - so not easy to show everyone round.  Luckily both Gerry & Mike our two volunteers had made delicious cakes for tea!  (Mike recently won a competition for the best Victoria Sponge so we asked him to bring us one!)
Annabel from Dobbies handing out gardening

By the end of yesterday, Gerry and i were completely shattered - but we feel the last four days have been a great success - all about raising our profile, and showing people what we have to offer at the Care Farm.  Hopefully, we will have a good group of new students starting in the Autumn...!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The last two weeks....!

See what i mean - beautifully
One of our lovely Wiltshire lambs
note their horns growing!
I seem to start quite a few blogs saying 'sorry' for not keeping up to date...!  The last two weeks have been SO full on with preparations for the Diamond Jubilee Garden Tea Party, that i'm surprised any of the Care Farm animals got fed / watered and that the Poly Tunnel is still thriving - but they did / and it is!
The pigs are thriving in their new home (the woodland up the track) they blend in so well it's quite difficult to see them - which is jolly lucky as i managed to ride past them today without my horse spotting them!
The quails have just moved from the playroom in our house up to the poly tunnel, in a lovely yellow ex-pet rat house....with lots of greenery to keep them happy - i can't believe how quickly they grow - they are three weeks old already. 

The young chicks Ericka gave us
have settled in well

Our lovely 'Tree Lupin' inherited
with the top soil we were given
last year from a garden in Cheltenham!
It also smells amazing....
We finally had our first visit from Christchurch School this term - they've been trying to get here for weeks, but the weather and ill staff kept cancelling them.  It's lovely to see the children again, and i hope they will enjoy their Wednesday mornings from now until the end of the term.

With all the Jubilee celebrations happening over this last weekend, it was inevitable that the Fete at Rendcomb College wouldn't be as busy as we hoped for - but due mainly to all our hard working volunteers and students, it was a lovely afternoon (even through the fog and rain!) Rendcomb College is such a fantastic setting - the Classic Cars looked amazing as they all arrived for tea after their 'Run'!  We had a great turn out with about 27 cars of every shape and size.  The 'best dressed' prize had to go to Austin Powers and his girlfriend in their 'SHAGUAR' - brilliant fun!.  Hopefully, with the sponsorship we had paying for the food for the Car Enthusiasts, we will have made nearly £5,000.00 - a truly amazing amount!  THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR VOLUNTEERS AND STUDENTS FOR YOUR HARD WORK, and especially to Gerry and her family for organising Rendcomb, and Gail & Derrick for organising the Classic Car Run.

Our students start back again next Monday, so till then, i hope you are all having a restful week and enjoying all the celebrations!

ps Did you hear us mentioned last Thursday on the 'Chris Evans Breakfast Show'??