Monday i was away, so i left things in the capable hands of Ben, Hilary, Legs and Molly. Molly wrote up my weekly diary, beautifully, and i'm just reporting back to the blog! We had a visit last week from my insurance company, and by the time they left we knew we would have a list of 'recommendations' as long as yer arm....!
Suffice to say, William & Ben's first job was to move the paper hand dispenser from our little kitchen, to the men's toilets! There was a lot of 'bottle' feeding done, as we have about 14 pet lambs now, owing to the Mastitus outbreaks - this job is absolutely Helen's favorite part of the morning, so we had a very happy student again! Ben and William have made us a great bench for sitting outside the porta's been put together from ends of telegraph poles, and a 'donated' plasterer's plank??! Anway it's exactly what we needed outside in the glorious weather we've been having.
Wednesday was SO hot, Steve actually got a very burnt neck - i've had to insist they all bring sun hats & creams - can't believe it in April. My friend Sally Ann has lent us her incubator, so we set that up first thing. We've put a mix of Rhode Island, Cotswold Leg Bars, and my Bantam's eggs in - we'll have to wait and see for 21 days now. We planted out all the Sweet Peas into ....yes, you guessed some of the millions of tyres we've STILL got on site! The guys made some lovely tripods out of hazel twigs for them to grow up. Peas & radishes were planted out in the 3rd raised bed - everything is growing at such a rate, it's fantastic. Broad Beans are up outside, & some tiny leeks, and inside the poly tunnel the salads are going crazy - must get to the local pubs to see if they want to buy some salad bags off us!

Thursday, great excitement, as the local Police came over to help plant out the last four Fruit Trees, as they had given us the funds to buy them. Coln House School also helped - i don't think we've ever had so many willing helpers on site - we got most of the wood chip spread round all the paths, and i think they would have put the fruit cage up if they had been allowed to stay all day!
After they had left the rest of the gang planted up 18 tyres with our 'chitted' Charlotte & Pink Fur Apple potatoes - it's all taking shape now! The only thing is there's SO much watering, and having got our bowsers all attached to drainpipes, we've had hardly any rain! I'm sure it won't be long, and i hope it rains at night only...!