Monday: Ben and William had lots of tidying and mending jobs today! I discovered 2 'escapees' in the field over the weekend - and found a large hole in the fence - so that was there first job! Then they made a nesting box to go in the hen house, and a tie back for theduck's door. David & Hilary planted some rhubarb, that had kindly been donated, and checked & watered all the seeds.
Lunch time 5 students from Coln House School arrived - it was lovely to see them all, and great to have William and David interacting with them. We spent a happy hour raking leaves, and cleaning out a really disgusting water trough in the sheep's field that was frozen & covered in black rotting vegetation! Shannon kindly got my horse in from the field for me, with Helena. And - guess what - we had another burst pipe! (discovered by William)
Hard at work! |
Wednesday, after the daily task of feeding and checking the Ewe lambs that are expecting triplets, the guys all went off with Lucy to check the main flock and make sure they had enough water. I collared Steve to help rake leaves again with Danny, which helps keeping Danny's attention - as it seems to be completely obsessed with Lucy (sister) otherwise! We managed about 15 minutes, Steve working tirelessly, Danny talking non-stop and raking occasionally! The others ..
Our Herb Wall under construction.. |
Pm Simon made a frame for the glass cloche with Roger, to put the mushroom compost in. Tom, Steve & Simon took turns to 'clean off the breeze blocks they had found up the track. Hard work, and quite a challenge - risk assessment done, we provided masks & goggles (and plasters!) And, we now have a HERB WALL, constructed by Tom & Steve to hide the drains beside the toilet block portacabin! We just need some herbs now - A Rosemary hedge on top, and assorted Thymes to plant further down (see photos) Tom, Steve and i searched the farm for plastic drainpipes & gutters to start preparing the bowsers to collect rain. It was a beautiful, cold day. And, yes, another burst pipe was discovered as we turned the water on in the morning - so NO WATER ALL DAY! Quite trying, as it was unbelievably muddy on site, and we had to all traipse down to the house to use the 'facilities' there!
the contents of the owl pellet! |
Thursday, Bob arrived with arms full of information about Owls - he gave a wonderful talk on owl's eating/feeding habits, and showed us an owl 'pellet' (much talk about what it was!) - before being soaked, and after - lots of tiny bones/sculls of all its prey - it was really interesting. They then set off with their bird boxes and ladders to 'site' them on 3 different trees up the track. They guys will then keep a note of who/what has been using the nesting boxes over the year. (they are primarily used by Great Tits apparently)
Tom & Simon helped put the White Board up in the Portacabin finally - thank you! Tom had spotted some plastic guttering the day before in Ann's garden, and having checked it was up for grabs, we collected all the equipment on our list, for making the rain water collector!
Finally, i have come up with some telegraph poles - i've been on the hunt for some to make our raised beds with, and have been in conversation with all sorts of people! We have been given 2 / 3 and are picking them up today (Saturday) so that we can get started on them next week! Hopefully we can pick up at least 6 more the following weekend, from another source.